About Jess

Monday, September 26, 2005

Out of town for a couple days

Well I'm leaving today at 1:00 and going up to Akron for a couple days to do an Audit. I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. So no blogging for me until Friday when I get back. I had a nice weekend. We really didn't do anything. Went to happy hour with some friends and the to a football game to watch a family friend. Saturday we just watched the OSU game at a friend's house and played some poker afterwards. So nothing too exciting. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.


  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    hey darlin, thanks so much for calling! we are all okay, we escaped rita no problem and even got a ten day cruise and an extra stop out of the deal! i will call you tonight or sometime this weekend to catch up! miss you! muah!


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