It's been a while
Well I haven't updated in a long time so I'll fill you all in. Lets see. Two weeks ago I was in Hartford, CT for a week for work. Last week I was in Lima for a week doing an Audit. Josh came to Lima with me for a few days, because he got burnt on his foot pretty bad at work and couldn't work for a week. We really didn't do much in Lima. Went to Applebees one night for dinner, then went to my sister-in-law Heather's parents house for a spaghetti dinner one night. I unfortunely got Strep throat when I was in Lima, so since Friday was my day off I went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. I can honestly say it was the best case of strep I have ever had. My throat hurt for like 2 days then I was all better. Saturday was the 1st annual Trevor Ufferman Soccer tournament at our High School. It was for alumni soccer players. There was 8 teams total and the ytook donations for Trevor's scholarship fund. Molly and I played with all our guy friends. It was a lot of fun, but it was sooooooo hot. Sweat was just dripping off of us. We tied all of our games but that wasn't enough to get us to the championship game. Then we went to Trevor's parents house in the country for a Pig Roast. Nothing much this week. Josh started teaching today. Friday we have our softball tournament. We are the #2 seed because we lost our last game of the season. 9-1 isn't a bad season. Then Saturday is my Office picnic. Ok well that is the life of Jessica Patterson the past two weeks. Not too exciting I know. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you!!
At 1:03 PM,
Kelley said…
hey there! gosh you've been busy lately! Thats cool that josh got to go with you but not good that you were sick or that he burnt his foot! How did he get hurt? Thats cool about the soccer tourney. Thats nice to do that. Was there a good turnout for it? How is married life going so far?
At 11:19 AM,
Melissa said…
miss you! yeah, how did josh get hurt? where is he working?
At 11:41 AM,
JessPatterson said…
He was working for Delaware City for the summer doing things around the city. He was power washing one of the city trucks and the water was really hot and it dripped down to his steal toe boots and it heated the steal and it burnt the top of his foot. We technically could have sued them if we wanted but we obviously are not. They are paying for his hospital bills and stuff, but he is fine now. He is now doing is student teaching, he started today in the 1st grade. He graduates in December. He lost a lot of credits when he transferred from Heidelberg.
At 12:53 PM,
Kelley said…
oh gosh thats scary about his burn! hope he gets better soon! How cool student teaching first grade! How fun! What grade does he want to teach when he graduates?
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