I can't move my arms
Oh My, I can barely move my arms. Our workout was really hard this morning, and today was arms. I thought I was strong until I did this workout today and I felt like a whimp because I could barely do all the reps. And we just got done like an hour ago and I can already start to feel it in my arms. I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. He made us do crab walks, and wheel barrels which were tough. But it is all going to be worth it in the end right???? At least my legs didn't hurt as much as I thought they would after Tuesday.
Nothing else new with me. Wedding stuff is starting to get hectic and the bickering is already starting with my Mom. I just want it to be here already. Don't be engaged longer than a year, or you will want to shoot yourself. I'd say about 8 months is long enough. But my Wedding dress finally came in and I have to go tomorrow to try it on and see if it needs altered. Then I can finally buy my shoes and slip. I don't have to work tomrrow so I'm going shopping for things for the house, and I still have like 10 gift cards left over from Christmas that I'm going to use for some spring/summer clothes. Got to buy some cute stuff for the honeymoon. Then I got asked out on a date tomorrow, and I think he is surprising me and we are going to Carrabbas, YUM!!! Because he has a $25 gift certificate. Ok well Maybe I'll blog again this afternoon but if not, everyone have a great weekend.
Nothing else new with me. Wedding stuff is starting to get hectic and the bickering is already starting with my Mom. I just want it to be here already. Don't be engaged longer than a year, or you will want to shoot yourself. I'd say about 8 months is long enough. But my Wedding dress finally came in and I have to go tomorrow to try it on and see if it needs altered. Then I can finally buy my shoes and slip. I don't have to work tomrrow so I'm going shopping for things for the house, and I still have like 10 gift cards left over from Christmas that I'm going to use for some spring/summer clothes. Got to buy some cute stuff for the honeymoon. Then I got asked out on a date tomorrow, and I think he is surprising me and we are going to Carrabbas, YUM!!! Because he has a $25 gift certificate. Ok well Maybe I'll blog again this afternoon but if not, everyone have a great weekend.
At 5:07 AM,
Kelley said…
wow sounds like you are going to be in great shape! ha crab walks! i remember those from being a kid! :-) hope things are going well for you! have a great weekend!!
At 12:37 PM,
shellie said…
I'm starting to really envy the trainer situation...maybe because I work out and work out and work out and I never feel any different...maybe i'm not doing something right?
YUM Carabba's LOVE IT!!
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