Ready for the Weekend
I swear you think since I had Monday off this week would fly by, but it is the opposite. I think yesterday was the longest afternoon ever at work. So I'm so ready for the weekend to get here. Tonight I'm meeting Josh's Mom at Sam's club and doing some shopping, then meeting up with Molly, Kelly, and Meghan and going out to dinner. Just a nice girls night out to catch up with each other. Thursdays are my night to find things to do now since the OC and Reunion aren't on for a couple weeks. We are having an Ohio State party at our house on Saturday. A bunch of people are coming over to watch the game then just hanging out afterwards. It is supposed to be 70 which is great because we are going to put a TV outside so we can sit on the deck and play some corn hole and maybe bust out flip cup. I made a Margarita Bucket with Cuervo so I'll have to pace myself. That is the best thing about having a house, having people over and relaxing on the patio. Well that is about it from here. I'll have to take some pictures so I can post them. Plus, I decorated the outside of my house with really cute Fall deocrations like a Scarecrow and Pumpkins and stuff. So I'll take a picture of that. Aren't I just so domesticated, ha ha.
At 12:40 PM,
JessPatterson said…
I wish this linda johnson would stop posting on my blog. Probably some computer nerd.
At 1:03 PM,
Kelley said…
haha- you are domestic! thats cute u decorated your house. My dad is going to the game Saturday. Hope the weather is nice. That will be fun for you to have people over. Haah flip cup! no way! I love that game! Does Josh have class on Tuesdays? and yeah whats up with the random bloggers~!!!
At 6:08 AM,
JessPatterson said…
Kel I'll call Saturday when I start to play flip cup so you can cheer me on, ha ha. Josh is done student teaching in two weeks and no he doesn't have class on Tuesdays, only Thursday nights. Kel and Melinda, We are having a Poker party at our house Nov 12th. A lot of people keep tellign us they want to see our house so we decided to have a party. It should be fun. So if you want to make the trip up to Columbus for the night then you should come. I'll send you guys an invite when I send them out.
At 7:38 AM,
Melissa said…
okay domesticated kids, time to come visit melissa and tom in dallas! its still mid 80's here, lets go, book your tickets, i miss you! that means you too kel!
At 7:38 AM,
Melissa said…
jess you loooove linda johnson, don't lie.
At 1:23 PM,
Kelley said…
yeah i knwo ... i need to be a good friend and make some trips to visit you all! ive been so busy lately. but ill see what i can do :-)
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