It's Warm
Well it is actually going to be warm today. It's supposed to get up to 70. I think I'll go on a walk outside on my afternoon break. Which I'll need to do after lunch. We are having Danotos pizza today and watching the Disney movie Miracle. It's the one about the USA Hockey team. I guess it is for some leadership thing at work. Hey I'll never complain about eating pizza and watching a movie at work. Well the weekend at my parents was great. We had a really good time and their house is great. My Mom is actually a really good decorator. It is going to be a great house when we all have kids running around at Grandma and Grandpa's. I think that was actually part of the reason for moving as well. Nothing too exciting this week. Josh and I went to wing night on Tuesday which is new for us. We usually don't eat out during the week. Today I have a hair appt after work, then Josh and I are going to go on a really long walk instead of the gym and take advantage of this weather. Tomorrow Josh's Dad will be back in town so we are heading over to his parents for dinner. I think we are having a fish fry which I'm excited for. His dad makes the best fish, with homemade fries and hushpuppies. Saturday Josh and I will be on a mission to find a computer desk. We bought a new computer two weeks ago and it has been sitting in our guest room. So we want to go get a desk this weekend and set up the computer. Then we are meeting up with friends at the new bar in D-town to watch the final four games. This is the same bar the stool broke on me so I'll have to watch myself this time. Then I think everyone is coming back to our house to play some poker. So that should be fun. Well that's enough updating for now. I won't be on my computer tomorrow because I have a meeting at the State all day, so Everyone have a great weekend.
At 5:23 AM,
Kelley said…
what u get pizza and a movie at work! how cool! Miracle is a good movie. Yeah the weather is great! it was sooo nice yesterday! Today is going to be warm too but rain. Thats good your parents are enjoying the new house. Be careful and dont fall off the barstool! Have a good weekend :-)
At 10:16 PM,
Melissa said…
what is the NEW bar in d-town?! how often do you guys get a new bar?! thats crazy. well, i hope you didnt fall off the stool, and i hope you got a computer desk. : ) add this blog of mine to your list of blogs to check... this is my friends and misc one, and the circlesorsquares one is going to be for art. love ya miss ya!
At 12:25 PM,
Kelley said…
its time for an update :-)
At 10:07 AM,
JessPatterson said…
We don't get new bars often Missy. It use to be a bar called post time but they got new owners and remolded it.
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