About Jess

Friday, December 30, 2005

New Car

New Car
Originally uploaded by jpatterson.
Here is a picture of our new car. It is a 2006 Mazda 3. I love it. The pictures a little blurry but I took it real quick this morning before I got on my bus.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas 2005

Well Josh and I had a wonderful 1st Christmas together. We got the real tree this year and decorated it, and decorated the whole house in Christmas stuff. We put up Christmas lights and everything on the house and Josh even got up on the roof like "Clark Griswald". The weekend before Christmas we had Patterson Christmas with Josh's family. Wednesday before Josh and I had our Christmas together in the new house. We ordered out stromboli, got some wine, built a fire and opened our presents and stockings to each other. It was a great evening together. Thursday my brother and his new "fiance" Megan flew into Columbus. We met up with some friends at the backstretch and had a couple drinks. Friday we went back to my parents house. This year was the year for the big Ellinger family Christmas, so of course Jason, Lisa, and Lena were there, and Matt and Megan. Christmas Eve we all went to church and came back to my parent's house for a big family dinner with my grandparents and cousins. Christmas morning we opened presents and ate lunch with my family, then we headed to Josh's grandma's in the afternoon and opened presents with his aunts and uncles, and cousins. So that was our Christmas weekend, and everything was really nice. Saturday for New Year's Eve we are meeting up with some friends for drinks at Easton, then going to dinner at Brio. Our friend Alex lives really close to Easton, so we plan to just cab it back to his house to play some cards and to watch the ball drop. Nothing too exciting, but it should be fun. Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Below I posted some pictures from the weekend.

Jess and Josh Christmas

Jess and Josh Christmas
Originally uploaded by jpatterson.
Josh and I at my parents house before Church


Originally uploaded by jpatterson.
Here's Miss Olivia in her Christmas outfit Aunt Jess bought her.


Originally uploaded by jpatterson.
Here is my niece Lena all ready to go to church.

Family picture

Family picture
Originally uploaded by jpatterson.
Here is the whole gang in our Christmas PJ's and hats. We do it to please my Mom :-)