Good News all around
Well I thought I better update so Kelley doesn't yell at me :-) There has been a lot going on the past couple weeks. The family reunion was fun last weekend. I ate a lot of food and played some cornhole and shuffle board. Josh's Dad went into surgery last week to remove the tumor in his pelvis. Well when they went in to remove it, it was no longer there. They think the chemo and radiation worked so well that is shrank it completely up. They did a check for cancerous cells and they was no trace of cancer in his system. So that was great news. Secondly, Josh got a job, YAY!!!! He got a job at Big Walnut Elementary teaching 3rd grade. It is one of the county schools in Delaware so it is only about 20 mintues from our house. So that was good news. I'm meeting him after work to help him get his classroom all together. They start school next Tuesday. And even some more good news, I got a promotion at work. My position I am currently in is an 11/12 (this is the pay scale in Government) and I was an 11. They promoted me up to the 12 which means more money so that is great. So we had some really good news last week. This past weekend we had Jodie and Buck's grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party. It was at their house and they had a big tent and a DJ, and open bar of course. It was so much fun. Then we all went out to the bar afterwards. If Kelly emails me some pictures I'll post them because I didn't have my camera. This Friday Josh and I are driving up to Canton. My brother and Megan are coming into town. We are meeting up with them at Matt Johnsen's house for a cookout then going out with some BG people. Saturday Megan and I are driving back to my parents house because we are having a bridal shower for her at my Mom's. Josh and Matt are going to Cleveland to tailgate for the BG/Wisconsin football game, then after the game they are going out in the Flat's for Matt's Bachelor party. Then they are driving to my parents house on Sunday and we are all going to the annual Polish Festival in DuBois, PA. We'll spend Labor Day at my parents then head back to Ohio. It should be a fun weekend. Ok well I hope all is well with everyone. Miss you all!!
At 9:30 AM,
Kelley said…
yay! thanks for the update! great news!! congrats! thats awesome there was no cancer found when they went in for surgery!!! Congrats on the promotion and Josh getting a job! Thats exciting! post pics if u get them :-)
At 9:44 AM,
Melissa said…
miss you girl! sounds great! what wonderful news all around, that is so awesome to hear!! so what is your new title at work? when does josh start school? and how is his dad feeling besides super super happy?!
hey, do we need to get tix to the bg homecoming game in advance?? i still have my student id, think that'll work? hehe.
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