Golf Outing and Deer Creek
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I guess we've all been busy lately. This past weekend was the "First Annual Trevor Ufferman Golf Outing". It sucked that it rained but we had a great turnout and made over $10,000 profit towards the sholarship fund in his honor. It was sad because we all wished he would have been there with us, but it was nice to see all of his friends in one place again and having some drinks and laughs. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun golfing with Josh, Buck, and Kelly. Sorry I didn't take any pictures but I think they are posting some on the website later. I'll let you know.
This weekend our softball team group is going to Deer Creek State Park for the weekend. We have 10 couples/families going. We got 3 cottages between us. It's Josh and I, Buck and Kelly, and Kate, Doug, and the kids in our cabin. We are heading down after work on Friday. Grilling out burgers and brats Friday night and probably just building a fire, having some drinks, and relaxing. Saturday the guys are going golfing and the girls are going to the pool all day. Outdoor pool if it is warm enough, if not the indoor pool. Saturday night the plan is to grill out the good stuff (chicken, steaks, fish) and then just hangout, play cards, drink some beers or whatever. The we will head home Sunday afternoon. It should be a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to going. Ok well that is my update.
This weekend our softball team group is going to Deer Creek State Park for the weekend. We have 10 couples/families going. We got 3 cottages between us. It's Josh and I, Buck and Kelly, and Kate, Doug, and the kids in our cabin. We are heading down after work on Friday. Grilling out burgers and brats Friday night and probably just building a fire, having some drinks, and relaxing. Saturday the guys are going golfing and the girls are going to the pool all day. Outdoor pool if it is warm enough, if not the indoor pool. Saturday night the plan is to grill out the good stuff (chicken, steaks, fish) and then just hangout, play cards, drink some beers or whatever. The we will head home Sunday afternoon. It should be a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to going. Ok well that is my update.
At 9:29 AM,
Kelley said…
glad the golf outing went well! Wow thats great 10,000! Ill be sure to check the website for updated pics. oh cool how fun does your weekend sound!!! take pics!!! I hope the weather is nice for you all. That sounds like a lot of fun! Is the new baby going?
At 9:53 AM,
JessPatterson said…
Yep he is going. He is really good and usually sleeps all the time.
At 12:32 PM,
Kelley said…
are u still camping?
At 7:42 AM,
Melissa said…
awwww. this post made me sad because i wish you and i could hang out and grill burgers and brats and have some drinks. : ( will you come to dallas soon? pleeeaase?
At 12:22 PM,
Kelley said…
update :-)
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