Skiing Trip
Ok, So I went up to Vail this past weekend to visit with Amy. I went skiing for the first time ever, and let me tell you the first time down was horrible. Thank God Amy was a good teacher or it may have been a long long day. Let me just say I couldn't move off of the couch Saturday or Sunday because my muscles hurt sooooo bad. I swear you use muscles you never new you had! Needless to say I'm back to normal now.
At 10:50 PM,
shellie said…
Now all we need is Amy with a blog!! :)
At 12:43 PM,
Melissa said…
im suprised amy doesnt have one already, but she is not up with internet stuff anymore since she's a mountain hippie now! ellinger im glad you learned to ski and im glad amy taught you, she is a very good teacher!
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